Saturday, January 7, 2012

Did You Get a Unit Because of Me? I want to See!

My Triple F’s! Fiercely Ferocious Females/Fellas,

Many of you have PM’d me on YouTube asking about certain units and have made purchases of the units.  I often let you guys know that I would love to see your units on you and even share in your excitement.  I know living with my husband if I get a new lip gloss or unit, he will not jump for joy the same way a girlfriend would.  I need someone who will understand and share in my excitement.  Since we bond and have become so close in sharing, I have opened up new ways for us to connect.

If you got a unit you want me to see or questions about your unit that you want to ask that you aren’t quite getting what you need via back and forth inbox you can use the following mediums:

  1. TWIT PIC!  Tweet me a pic! – Follow Me @thejampoet
  2. Tag Me! Facebook Friend me – Jam Poet
  3. Skype Me – We can talk live! (thejampoet)
  4. OoVoo Me – Again…we can talk live! (PhillyzJamPoet)

If you want to just email me a pic, please send to from the website.

**Please note that live chat is subject to my availability to chat at the time. If you wish to do that, please be sure to Tweet Me, PM Me, or Facebook me letting me know you’d like to coordinate a time to chat live or you can catch me when I’m signed on!

Also, please let me know if I have permission to post any pics you sent me on my blog! I love to see you shine!

It’s Ya Girl, PhillyzJam – LET’S GET IT FOR 2012 and Beyond

1 comment:

  1. I sent you an email of me in my PW unit and I love it. Gurl I have to get that in red you are rocking it.

    Love the blog, keep it up. Many blessings to you and yours.



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